Then her dragon (I gave her one out of the kindness of my woefully undersized heart) had like five eggs. When i played as Aegon the Conqueror, I married my dragon riding heir to Orys Baratheon's daughter (she was a bastard with Valyrian features by a random, lowborn courtier girl). Either you or your children will likely either get a dragon or an egg. There is also a very small chance someone in the world will get a dragon egg, in which case (if you are that lucky, I mean with the number of characters in any one game, this almost is as rare as winning the lottery, it seems) you can gather dragon intel by visiting locations like Asshai, Old Volantis, the Smoking Sea, Field of Fire (Hammerhall province), Harrenhall, etc.Īnother way is to marry into a targ with a dragon. If the Targ dragons are dead, there is a chance one will spawn in Asshai. An event will pop up offering the chance to release the dragon, try and slay it (bad relations with dragonriding targs results if you succeed) and to tame it (depending on skills, you have a high chance if injury, failure, and death by dragonfire). If you are in the Seven Kingdoms and are appointed to the small council, you can try to "face the dragon" if any reside there and are riderless.